Manjula indian actress suicide

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a great mother n friend.remembering all the laughter.- aishwaryaa.r.dhanush July 23, 2013 RIP manjula vijayakumar aunty.adorable n lived life queen size. She has worked with the likes of NTR, Sivaji Ganesan, Gemini Ganesan, Kamal Hassan and Rajinikanth.Īs the news of her demise spread, southern actors took to Twitter to mourn the loss of the late actress.ĭeepest condolences to Thirumathi Manjula Vijayakumar's family ,the film industry has lost another versatile actor and a good human being- Sarath Kumar July 23, 2013 In the late '80s, Manjula was seen in supporting roles.

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She was seen in her first lead role in Rickshawkaran (1971). Manjula made her debut as a supporting actress in a 1969 film Shanthi Nilayam.

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Manjula is survived by husband, actor Vijayakumar and three daughters who had also acted in Tamil films as heroines.

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Veteran actress Manjula Vijayakumar, who had worked in more than 100 films in Tamil, Telugu and Kannada, died in Chennai today due to a stomach injury.

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